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Santorum Sounding Serious About 2012

Last week, LifeSiteNews reported that former Sen. Rick Santorum had been speaking to a room full of prominent US Catholic leaders when he was challenged to run for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2012.  Santorum responded that, six months ago his anwer would have been "no way," but given that President Obama is destroying our nation, he is indeed "thinking about it" making his own run for the GOP nomination.

Today, Santorum was on a RNC conference call and reiterated that he is considering such a run:

Rick Santorum affirmed on an RNC conference call -- aimed at attacking Arlen Specter -- that he's considering a run for president in 2012 -- because, he said, the Obama presidency is "injurious to America."

"The dynamic has changed," Santorum said. "A lot of folks who might not have thought about running against an incumbent president" are now considering it.

He cited Obama's lower poll numbers and his failure to "transform" and unify the country.

"A lot of people are going to take a look and see wht they can do to try to confront this presidency, which many of us -- as you're seeing from the tea parties and the like -- which many of us believe is injurious to America," Santorum said, saying the 2012 race is "something that I think I would consider."

I always assumed that getting routed in your re-election bid for Congressional office pretty much doomed any hope a candidate had for seeking higher office, but apparently not.