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Sam Rohrer Says It's the Role of Elected Officials to Lead People 'In Worship to the God of Heaven'

The American Pastors Network's Sam Rohrer (Image from Stand in the Gap video)

Religious-right activist Sam Rohrer of the American Pastors Network declared on Monday's episode of his "Stand In The Gap" radio program that it is the role of political leaders to "point people to God" and "lead them in worship to the God of Heaven" and that the mission of his organization is to share that message with elected leaders.

Rohrer said that when he served in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, he learned that, according to the Bible, he was to serve in that capacity as "a minster of God" and as "God's servant."

"When somebody understands that they are a servant of God, then they can understand how they are to serve the people," Rohrer said. "I understood that being in office meant not just being a servant of God but actually meant in my capacity was to point people to God, lead them in worship to the God of Heaven. Our founders understood that."

"Those in office are ministers of God in location in that venue, jurisdiction, called civil authority, but God also calls those in the pulpit as ministers of God," Rohrer added. "That's when God laid on our heart of ministers together because biblically, the pulpit is to be connected with input to those in office and those in office, I can tell you, long to hear from the input of those who are in the pulpit. Ministers of God together—that is truly ministers together and that is God's pattern."