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Rod Parsley and Lou Engle: Together At Last

What do you get when you put Rod Parsley and Lou Engle together in the same room to discuss the desperate need for revival in America? 

Pretty much what you would expect, with Parsley telling anyone who doesn't like his use of "militaristic terminology" that they don't like the Bible because Christians are not called to debate, concede, or compromise, but to fight while Engle says that God is causing volcanoes and oil spills in order to call us to repentance:

In this second clip, Engle laments the rampant "sexual immorality" in our culture, saying the "Book of Revelation Jesus, with his blazing eyes of fire" is coming to fight the Church's toleration of the Jezebel Spirit while Parsley says we have "accepted secular humanism" by telling people they should feel good about themselves instead of standing by the Biblical command to crucify the flesh: