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Right Wing Round-Up: The Trump Smear Campaign Rolls On

RWW Round Up
  • Zeeshan Aleem @ Vox: Trump spent Memorial Day weekend tweeting conspiracy theories and petty attacks.
  • Matt Shuham @ Talking Points Memo: The Story Behind The Death Of A House Staffer That Trump’s Using To Smear Joe Scarborough.
  • Ken Meyer @ Mediaite: Trump Doubles Down on Conspiracy That Joe Scarborough is a Murderer After Widower of Lori Klausutis Pleads Him to Stop.
  • Matthew Chapman @ Raw Story: Kayleigh McEnany says it’s ‘peculiar’ Biden is following proper CDC mask guidelines.
  • Timothy Johnson @ Media Matters: “Get ready for the vaccine infowar”: Alex Jones poisons the well against a future novel coronavirus vaccine.
  • John Fea: If There is Such a Thing as Twitter Blackface, Court Evangelical Eric Metaxas Just Engaged in It.