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Right Wing Round-Up: Liquidation

RWW Round Up
  • Dave Collins and Juan A. Lozano @ Associated Press: Alex Jones’ personal assets will be sold to help pay Sandy Hook debt as judge decides Infowars’ fate
  • A federal judge on Friday ordered the liquidation of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones ′ personal assets but was still deciding on his company’s separate bankruptcy case, leaving the future of his Infowars media platform uncertain as he owes $1.5 billion for his false claims that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax.

  • Stephanie Mencimer @ Mother Jones: Rudy Giuliani Is Turning to the Christian Right for Help With His Bills
  • In a suburban Detroit church, he warmed up the crowd by calling Fani Willis a “ho.”

  • Mike Hixenbaugh and Allan Smith @ NBC News: Charlie Kirk once pushed a 'secular worldview.' Now he's fighting to make America Christian again
  • In 2018, Kirk urged conservative Christians to respect the separation of church and state. Today, he calls that foundational principle “a fabrication.”

  • Hemant Mehta @ Friendly Atheist: At event for Christian lawmakers, panelists insist Satanists can't be school chaplains
  • During a meeting geared toward Christian lawmakers earlier this month at Liberty University, panelists promoted the idea of putting chaplains in public schools while rejecting the idea that non-Christians could take advantage of the new laws.

  • Angry White Men: Lauren Chen Wants America To Join The ‘List Of Countries’ Where LGBTQ Pride Is ‘Not Socially Acceptable’
  • BlazeTV host Lauren Chen condemned Pride Month on the latest episode of her online show, Pseudo-Intellectual Live. During an interview with fellow BlazeTV personality Auron MacIntyre, Chen said she wanted America to “be on the list of countries where it is not socially acceptable to signal support for pride” — alongside Saudi Arabia and Yemen, where homosexuality is criminalized.

  • Talia Jane @ The New Republic: MAGA Media Won’t Stop Sharing This Doctored Biden Video
  • MAGA world keeps sharing an obviously edited video of Joe Biden at the G7 summit.

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