- David Hart explains why the US Commission on Civil Rights' opposition to hate crimes legislation comes as no surprise.
- Speaking of hate crimes, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights has released a new report finding that "the problem of hate crimes continues to be a significant national concern that demands priority attention."
- Pam's House Blend points out that anti-gay activists in Maine have hired the California public relations firm that ran the successful Proposition 8 campaign.
- David Corn reports that Ken Starr has endorsed Sonia Sotomayor.
- Jodi Jacobson of RH Reality Check reports that a Republicans are obstructing a Senate resolution condemning clinic violence.
- As David Neiwert asks, what should the media be calling Shawna Forde and her Minuteman gang if not "extremists"?
- Finally, the Southern Poverty Law Center reports that the Westboro Baptist Church is now targeting Jews.