- PFAW: Tell Gov.
Brewer: Veto Anti-Gay Discrimination in Arizona .
- Luke Brinker @ Equality Matters: Watch
homosexuality-should-still-be-classified-as-mental-illness.html">Jeremy Hooper: Scott Lively: Homosexuality should still be
classified as mental illness.
discriminate-veto/">Zack Ford @ Think Progress: Conservative Lawmakers And Arizona Businesses Urge Governor To Veto Anti-Gay
CNN's Cuomo Call Out The Extremist Group Behind Arizona's Anti-Gay Bill.
href="http://www.towleroad.com/2014/02/white-house-releases-statement-denouncing-ugandas-anti-gay-law.html">Andy Towle @
Towleroad: White House Releases Statement Denouncing Uganda's Anti-Gay Law.
href="http://www.mediaite.com/online/obamas-cousin-tries-to-explain-posting-and-mocking-gruesome-x-rays/">Tommy Christopher @
Mediaiate: Obama’s Cousin Tries to Explain Posting and Mocking Gruesome X-Rays.
href="http://mediamatters.org/blog/2014/02/24/ten-of-the-most-ludicrous-fox-news-guests/198191">Ben Dimiero @ Media Matters: Ten
Of The Most Ludicrous Fox News Guests.