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Right Wing Round-Up - 12/16/13

  • Andrew Kaczynski @ BuzzFeed: Rick

    Santorum Drops Strange, Death-Filled Description Of Nationalized Health Care.

  • href="">Joe.My.God: Pope Francis Vs Rush Limbaugh.

  • Molly Redden @
  • Mother Jones: Rand Paul-Backed GOP Senate Candidate Held Rally with Secessionist Group.

  • href="">Luke Brinker @ Equality Matters: Don't Trust Louisiana Newspapers To Hold

    Anti-Gay Hate Group Leader Accountable.

  • in-utah-it-s-still-illegal">Rob Boston @ Wall of Separation: Polygamy In Utah: It’s Still Illegal.

  • links/">Warren Throckmorton: Mars Hill Church, Mark Driscoll and the Case of the Disappearing Links.

  • David

    Edwards @ Raw Story: Neal Boortz defends ‘white Santa’: ‘Martin Luther King is always portrayed as black!