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Right Wing Round-Up - 11/19/12

  • Sarah Posner @ Religion Dispatches: Rubio Leaves Science to the Theologians, or the Free Market. Or Something.
  • Towleroad: Anti-Gay Pastor Ken Hutcherson Says Equally Anti-Gay NOM Too Much Like The GOP, 'Old And White.'
  • HRC: NOM Sees One-Third Decline in Contributions for 2011; Two Donors Provided 75 Percent of Funding.
  • Jeremy Hooper @ NOM Exposed: Dear Hollywood: Never let Brian Brown cast a David and Goliath film.
  • Joe.My.God: Linda Harvey Wants To Boycott Everybody.
  • Pam Spaulding: Bryan Fischer’s cornucopia of hate: anti-gay exorcisms work, no one is born gay, and gay parents=bad.
  • Zack Ford @ Think Progress: Conservative ‘Justice’ Group Encourages Clerks To Discriminate Against Same-Sex Couples.