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Right-Wing Radio Host: Gay Rights Advocates Just Like Terrorists

On Monday, Houston-based radio show host Sam Malone criticized the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage equality, lambasting the court along with the “extremists of the gay agenda.” These activists, he said, “are anti-tolerance and not one of them has come out to say respect the religious views of the 98 percent of America who aren’t gay.”

Malone’s guest, Texas GOP activist Jared Woodfill, similarly warned that the gay community is “coming after us,” reminding conservatives that “it’s a war that we’re in right now.”

“The gay activists refuse to preach tolerance,” Malone said. “It’s like dealing with Muslim terrorists, there is no tolerance. If 0.08 percent of the population are gay men, that’s 0.08 percent, who is going to stand up for the 98 percent who aren’t and are religious and have a firm foundation in the Bible and say, ‘This is wrong, I don’t want to be involved, you do it, if that’s your thing, you do it, ain’t my thing and I don’t want anything to do with it.’ Obama launched the war on religion in America.”

Malone’s other guest, conservative blogger Stacy Washington, said that the court ruled the way it did on marriage equality because Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan are secretly gay. She also suggested that Chief Justice John Roberts, who wrote a dissenting opinion, is also gay.

“Elena Kagan and Sotomayor, they’re both homosexuals, they were all over those ones they felt like they could influence, and they got Roberts because he’s got something going on, he’s got something going on there,” she said.

Malone predicted that Kagan “will come out in a month or so,” claiming that her secret homosexuality made it a “filthy ruling.”