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Right Wing Leftovers - 9/5/13

  • The American Family Association is ending its three-year long boycott against Home Depot, claiming that the company has stopped making contributions to pro-gay causes.  We look forward to Home Depot responding by pointing out that the AFA is lying.
  • Focus on the Family's Kim Trobee says gay activists are eager to "force an entire nation into submission."
  • David Barton has endorsed Georgia State Senator Barry Loudermilk, which makes sense given that Loudermilk mindlessly repeats Barton's nonsense.
  • Rush Limbaugh literally has a new book coming out entitled "Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims."
  • James Dobson and Liberty University are "working together to build a curriculum based on Dr. Dobson’s writings and body of work."
  • FRC prays that "may the weakening of our armies by homosexual abuse and the decision to put women in bloody combat be reversed by courageous leaders in Congress and the Pentagon's weakening our Armies be reversed."
  • Finally, Bryan Fischer declares that "we are never, ever going to say same-sex marriage is okay":