- Matt Barber says "people naturally bristle when they think about what would it take actually consummate a so-called same-sex marriage between a man and a man. People naturally have a revulsion of this abnormal, disordered sexual behavior."
- The Colorado Personhood Coalition has filed a challenge to the determination that it did not gather enough valid signatures to have a personhood amendment put on the ballot for the third time.
- FRC issues its latest prayer targets.
- Bryan Fischer said he wiil be speaking at the civil disobedience rally outside the White House this weekend.
- Finally, Peter LaBarbera is outraged that Paul Ryan said there is no need to reinstate DADT, saying "A nation in which sexual perversion is a 'non-issue' is a nation in precipitous moral decline. Now more than ever, America needs bold statesmen who courageously lead based on unswerving, godly principles — rather than those who adjust their positions according to polls and political calculations."