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Right Wing Leftovers - 9/10/13

  • Rick Santorum will be joining Mat Staver, Rick Scarborough and others at a "Pastors for Virginia" luncheon next week.
  • Gary Bauer can't quite figure out how to attack President Obama over Syria, complaining that he's seeking Congressional authorization only so he can blame Congress if anything goes wrong.
  • Glenn Beck declares "write it down in your calendars, because this is the week that America lost its superpower status."
  • Russell Moore bemoans the dangers of pornography and fornication.
  • Finally, every were Cindy Jacobs goes, miraculous events occur: "At the evening service a little black boy of around eight years of age was healed of a large lump on his rib cage. The power of God overcame him and he fell under the power for almost two hours. When he got up he described how God visited him and took him to heaven in a vision. Joel 2:28 says the young men shall see visions. He was so transformed by the vision he glowed! I asked him if he would begin to pray for those present who needed healing and God started doing wonders through the small boy. Another youth who was prayed for, walked over, took the hand of a lady in a wheel chair and she got up and walked! Not only did she walk but she regained her eyesight!"