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Right Wing Leftovers - 8/23/13

  • Take one guess who wrote this: " In defense of Russia’s law on homosexual propaganda."
  • Nidal Hasan has been convicted of 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder for his shooting rampage at Fort Hood in 2009.
  • Gary Bauer blames the murder of Christopher Lane on the educational system and popular culture: "[Young people] are told that we are all the result of a cosmic accident, that human life is just an accident, instead of being created in the image of God. We destroy over a million innocent babies a year and tell our children it is merely a choice."
  • Liberty Counsel says Chris Christie has ruined his chances of becoming president by signing the ban on ex-gay therapy.
  • We are pretty sure that Glenn Beck will never bother to mention this story.
  • Finally, Jeffrey Kuhner says that "by refusing to speak out on [Christopher] Lane’s death, Mr. Obama has shown conclusively that he is a demagogue who plays the race card in order to inflame racial tensions, thereby galvanizing the minority electorate. He is our race-hustler-in-chief."