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Right Wing Leftovers - 8/19/13

  • Liberty Counsel announces that it will file suit to block New Jersey's new law banning the use of "ex-gay" therapy on minors.
  • A "photoshop expert" called into Bryan Fischer's radio program today to support his theory, so that proves that!
  • Scott Brown for president?
  • Matt Barber will not be bullied! "Look, you have every right to dress up in two wedding gowns or two tuxedos, get pretend 'married' and play house to your hearts’ content. You do not have the right, however, to force others to abandon their sincerely held religious beliefs, thousands of years of history and the immutable reality of human biology to engage your little fantasy. No amount of hand-wringing, gnashing of teeth, suing Christians or filing charges against those of us who live in marriage reality will make us recognize your silly so-called 'marriage equality.'"
  • Russell Moore, the incoming president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, says conservative Christians have lost the culture war.
  • Finally, here is the trailer for the first movie being released by Rick Santorum's film company.  It looks like a blockbuster: