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Reproductive Freedom

Right Wing Leftovers

  • The Los Angeles Times profiles the International House of Prayer.

  • Bryan Fischer says "our next president must understand that the more devout a Muslim becomes ... the more of a threat he becomes to the national security of the United States."

  • FRC defends the Protect Life Act, saying it simply "ensures that Americans who want health care insurance with abortion coverage or supplemental abortion coverage can purchase it, but not with federal dollars."

  • Richard Land is demanding the Pentagon reverse the policy of allowing chaplains to officiate at gay weddings, saying it "degrades both the tradition of high moral conduct in the military and the vital and exclusive role of traditional marriage in society and within our military."

  • Finally, the quote of the day from Gary Bauer: "The private company that owns Zuccotti Park backed down from its demand that the Wall Street protestors clear out so the park could be cleaned. And how did the protestors respond? Just as Iran or the jihadists in the Palestinian territories do — at the first sign of weakness they attack!"