- Glenn Beck
Benghazi, the IRS, and the AP scandals are all related and has collectively dubbed them"Intim-O-Gate." The "O" stands for Obama.
- Crackpot nobody Wayne Allyn Root
- "Coach" Dave Daubenmire
- Anti-
- Finally, it is
href="http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/obama-classmate-see-i-told-ya-so-about-irs/">claims that he was audited by the IRS for being
critical of President Obama.
href="http://youtu.be/gFLPDK7c0Vo">explains that "abortion is a man's issue."
gay "researcher" Judith Reisman says
men "cannot technically be raped." We're pretty sure that is not true.
statements like this that make you realize that there really is not much
chance of ever finding any sort of common ground with some people on the right: