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Right Wing Leftovers - 5/1/14

  • Al Mohler explains "why Christians should support the death penalty."
  • Franklin Graham declares that "true followers of Jesus Christ, whose salvation is based entirely upon God’s Word, cannot endorse same-sex marriage, regardless of what our president, the Congress, the Supreme Court, the media or the latest Gallup poll says about the matter."
  • In the last few weeks, an anti-Common Core group in Alabama has received $700,000 from just one foundation, both of which just happen to be run the same person.
  • It is always fascinating to watch Glenn Beck try to comprehend the fact that not every person in America shares his personal views and preferences.
  • Finally, this might be the dumbest thing you will read about the Donald Sterling controversy: "When you talk about Jay-Z, this criminal thug who's called black women all kinds of names, disgraced our race. And nobody is talking about kicking him out of the league? You can't have double standards I'm sorry."