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Right Wing Leftovers - 3/8/13

  • Ken Ham is mad at evangelical leaders like Robert Jeffress for not promoting literal six day creationism, saying "they are helping atheism by undermining the authenticity of the word of God."
  • Glenn Beck suggests donors should buy a house in South Carolina for Allen West so he can move there and run against Sen. Lindsey Graham.
  • The fact that CIA Director John Brennan did not take his oath on a Bible will likely only fuel the right-wing conspiracy theory that he is a secret Muslim.
  • Only in Bryan Fischer's fantasy world do liberals oppose waterboarding but support unrestricted drone strikes.
  • Quote of the day from Jeffrey Kuhner: "Mr. Obama is behaving increasingly like a Roman emperor. Drunk with power, dismissive of his subjects and recognizing no restraints on his authority, he now claims the right to kill his fellow citizens. He has declared war on the Constitution and, increasingly, parts of his own country."
  • Peter LaBarbera has launched "Pedo-File," a "project exposing [the] gay-pederasty connection"