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Right Wing Leftovers - 1/29/14

  • A new poll shows Mike Huckabee is currently leading among possible Republican presidential contenders.
  • Pat Robertson is launching a new, on-line education effort.
  • Michele Bachmann announces that Tea Party conservatives in the House are preparing to sue President Obama.
  • Gary Bauer was greatly displeased by the Grammys: "[W]hat took place at the Grammys was a perfect example of the culture war that is tearing our nation apart, as well as America's growing virtue deficit. If men and women of goodwill of all races don't step up soon, our budget deficit and growing military weakness won't matter. Our virtue deficit will destroy this great experiment in ordered liberty under God."
  • Stacy Swimp obviously does not understand the difference between the national debt and the deficit.
  • Finally, "Coach" Dave Daubenmire thinks that President Obama is constantly under oath from the minute he took office, so any lie he tells is an impeachable crime.