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Right Wing Leftovers - 12/7/12

  • The Supreme Court has agreed to hear two important gay rights cases involving California's Proposition 8 and a lawsuit challenging the Defense of Marriage Act.
  • Robert Knight is not happy about a recent gay wedding at West Point: "It's a disgrace that West Point allowed same-sex so-called 'marriage' in the chapel. That's a blasphemy against God. It goes against the Defense of Marriage Act, a federal law. It's a finger in the eye of God and the American people who still hold to biblical morality, and it was done deliberately."
  • Allen West spent four times as much as his challenger in trying to save his Congressional seat and still lost. 
  • Joseph Farah calls for a boycott of the military.
  • Janet Porter is, once again, calling for prayer and fasting in a desperate effort to see her "Heartbeat Bill" legislation pass in Ohio.
  • "Kinky sex is the realm of the Jezebel spirit, which sanctions sexual immorality" and leads people into "spiritual bondage." So keep that in mind.
  • Quote of the day from Buster Wilson: "Those who wish to redefine marriage do so to satisfy their own fleshy lusts and perverted human desires only, and all the while wrongly blaming God for making them that way."