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Right Wing Leftovers - 12/19/12

  • Conservative judicial icon Robert Bork died today at the age of 85.
  • Mat Staver says Bork would have made an excellent Supreme Court Justice who would have overturned Roe v Wade, if only Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy had not been "so mean" to him.
  • Buster Wilson really does not seem to appreciate our efforts to help him spread his message.
  • We can only hope that, at some point, VA Rep. Bob Marshall's district will grow tired of being a laughingstock and stop electing him.
  • Finally, Ted Baehr and Tom Snyder explain why the Sandy Hook tragedy happened: "By removing God, the Bible, God's Law, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit from society, including the mass media and the schools, we are raising generations of people with no faith in God or Jesus and, hence, no moral conscience, and no self-control. If so many people have no faith, no moral conscience and no self-control, then it’s no wonder our society is suffering from all these mass murders by evil lone gunmen."