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Right Wing Leftovers - 1/13/14

  • Glenn Beck will be speaking at Liberty University's convocation in late April.
  • Speaking of Beck, his supporters can now donate to his charity through the purchases they make on Amazon.
  • Liberty Counsel tries to tie its fight against New Jersey's law banning gay reparation therapy to the Bridgegate scandal: "A3371 is far more scandalous than the George Washington Bridge lane closure."
  • Operation Rescue hails the RNC for participating in the annual March For Life.
  • Finally, Robert Knight is not a fan of equality: "The underlying premise behind the Satanic Temple’s request is a false claim of equality. In the name of this vastly abused concept that once fueled the righteous aims of the civil rights movement, America is awash in moral confusion. The Justice Department embraces openly racist policies — in the name of equality. The Internal Revenue Service operates what amounts to an organized theft system in which it seizes earnings from some people and give it to others — in the name of equality. “Marriages” lacking one entire sex are said to be identical to the real thing — in the name of equality. The Pentagon is pushing female soldiers and Marines toward direct combat — in the name of equality."