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Right Wing Leftovers - 11/30/12

  • FRC claims that reports that the organization has defended Uganda's proposed draconian anti-gay legislation is due to the "cozy relationship between the liberal media and unreliable sources like HRC" and is "fostering a culture of hatred and violence--that same culture that led to the attempted mass murder of the entire FRC office."
  • Apparently, you can't be against abortion without also being against gay marriage.
  • It seems that Erick Erickson is wise enough to realize that running for public office might not be a good idea, given his record.
  • Any sort of immigration reform legislation will simply "legalize millions of voters for a much larger government."
  • Buster Wilson solves the Middle East crisis once and for all by noting that there is no such thing as Palestine because "God gave the jewish people this land all the way back in Genesis."
  • Beware! "It is even possible that the current round of secessionist petitions were begun, not by secessionists, but by those who want to increase the Federal government’s power" and are pushing a false flag secession effort in order to give the government an excuse to implement martial law.