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Right Wing Leftovers - 10/25/12

  • Colin Powell has again endorsed Barack Obama which, of course, means he "is a man without honor."
  • Well, this is quite the "scoop" from CBN's David Brody! 
  • FRC prays that "the U.S. Supreme Court will rule DOMA constitutional, affirming the authority of the states and the U.S. Congress to hold fast the historic definition of marriage."
  • On a related note, what is the deal with this video FRC posted that compares gay marriage to drug abuse and pedophilia? The National Organization for Marriage posted the exact same video.
  • Peter LaBarbera says Ted Haggard is "wrong to call himself a Christian and a bisexual, and he should step aside from public ministry."
  • Finally, the fact that Marjorie Dannenfelser, Penny Nance, and Phyllis Schlafly have all come to Richard Mourdock's defense just about tells you everything you need to know about the Religious Right groups that claim to represent women.