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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Unadulterated Brutality, Cruelty, and Savagery

Bonus Tracks
  • Michael Brown says that he will continue to support President Trump because "we desperately need judges who will do away with the myth of 'a woman’s fundamental right to an abortion' and will instead rule in favor of life."
  • Dave Daubenmire likewise has nothing but praise for "Donald 'The Pussy Grabber' Trump" for realizing the importance of the Bible.
  • Bryan Fischer declares that "the Democrat Party, fresh off electoral victories last fall, is flexing its muscles on behalf of sheer, unadulterated brutality, cruelty, and savagery."
  • Gun Owners of America is warning that attorney general nominee William Barr is "a gun grabber" and "an enemy of the Second Amendment."
  • Finally, attorneys for the State of Kentucky have concluded that Kim Davis should be responsible for paying the $250,000 in legal fees that the state incurred as a result of her refusal to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples in 2015.