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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: 'Trump DID Win the Popular Vote'

Bonus Tracks
  • Josh Bernstein declares that Ilhan Omar, a Muslim woman recently elected to Congress, is an "enemy combatant of the United States."
  • Gary Bauer needs money to fight the “unhinged” left that is coming effort to impeach President Trump.
  • Concerned Women for America's Penny Nance says that Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta "should resign" for his role in protecting Jeffrey Epstein.
  • BarbWire's David Jolly insists that "there were reports of as many as 3 million votes were cast in 2016 by non-citizens, most of which were illegals.Sadly, Democrats and RINOs blocked President Trump’s effort to investigate the claim of so many illegal votes, which if were proven, means that Trump DID win the popular vote in addition to the Electoral vote, making him the clear winner."
  • Rachel Alexander explains the many reasons why she dislikes liberals.
  • Finally, Mat Staver declares that "The war against Christmas is nothing new. Repressive forces have always had the same goal – to first secularize and then to eliminate Christmas. We see it increasing every year as atheist groups try to ban any representation of Christmas. We must never take our freedom for granted."