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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Trump Again Cites A Hate Group

Bonus Tracks
  • The American Family Association has released a petition "urging President Trump to withdraw nomination of Chai Feldblum for Commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission": "The re-nomination of Chai Feldblum, one of President Obama's most ardent opponents of religious liberty, grossly undermines President Trump's promises as well as his instructions to Attorney General Jeff Sessions to protect religious liberty."
  • Right-wing conspiracy theorist Liz Crokin continues her attacks on Chrissy Teigen.
  • President Trump justified his border wall by citing the Center for Immigration Studies—a known hate group, which is a common practice for him.
  • Rick Joyner is just sharing some reasonable questions about Barack Obama.
  • The Media Research Center, a conservative media monitoring operation, seems quite upset that rapper Eminem called out the way the NRA manipulates gun laws by funneling money to politicians: "Eminem should probably give David Hogg writing credits because those lines echo the same uninformed righteous indignation that teen has spouted in his hysterics against the NRA and gun owners."
  • Finally, Doug Mainwaring declares that "same-sex 'marriage' is the antithesis of marriage. It is anti-conjugal and anti-complementary. It is genderless. It is sterile.  It exists to normalize sodomy."