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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The Dangers Of Ouija Boards

Bonus Tracks
  • Erik Rush, who once (he claims jokingly) called for all Muslims to be killed, is now very concerned about those who "publicly incite mob violence."
  • Wayne Allyn Root says that Democrats are "domestic terrorists."
  • A helpful warning from Gordon Klingenschmitt about the dangers of Ouija boards.
  • Kevin Swanson has repeatedly stated that the punishment for homosexuality should be death, but that didn't stop Jenna Ellis of the James Dobson Family Institute from appearing on his radio show today.
  • Alex McFarland says that the restaurant owner who asked White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave was displaying the "blind conformity likely heard if we could have interviewed a Russian citizen a century ago."
  • Josh Bernstein would like to see President Trump nominate Larry Klayman to the Supreme Court.
  • Finally, Liz Crokin is baselessly asserting that a 22-year-old Columbia University student arrested for sex crimes against children was a "Hillary Clinton campaign chairman."