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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Take It Up With God

Bonus Tracks
  • David Barton appears to have joined the anti-vaxx crowd: "There’s a whole bunch of people that do not like their kids participating in vaccinations for several reasons. One is that so many vaccinations now contain parts of aborted fetuses. So, just as a matter of conscience, 'I don’t want that in my kid.' And then there’s so many bad things happening from the newer vaccinations. We think we have to have a vaccination for everything now. If somebody gets sick, we’ve got to create a vaccination. And that’s just not accurate."
  • Liz Crokin thinks that the Jussie Smollett controversy will eventually uncover a massive child sex trafficking scandal.
  • E.W. Jackson says that if you don't like his assertion that Barack Obama needs an exorcism, you can take it up with God: "The people attacking me have a problem with God, not me. Jesus is the one who gave the commandment to his followers to cast out the devil."
  • Josh Bernstein is pretty sure that Bret Baier and Shepard Smith conspired to get Jeanine Pirro fired from Fox News.
  • Linda Harvey attacking the Day of Silence is an annual tradition: "The whole thing is a scam to promote homosexuality and gender confusion to impressionable children—the younger, the better."
  • Finally, Dave Kubal prays that President Trump will learn to "rise above his detractors and make their actions and words seem so obviously childish by discussing with dignity both the issues of the day and the people involved in them." Good luck with that.