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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Liberal Fascism Month

Bonus Tracks
  • Tucker Carlson is very upset that Paul Manafort is going to jail: "Now that unregistered lobbying for foreign governments is an enforceable felony, most of Washington is going to have to report to jail."
  • David Limbaugh insists that President Trump merely "exaggerated when he tweeted that North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat," so there is no need for alarm because Trump "didn’t mean it literally": "We know from everything else he said that he is approaching this soberly and has the long view in mind."
  • Judson Phillips says that June should not be Gay Pride Month: "Liberal Fascism month might be a better title."
  • Julio Severo is likewise not a fan of Pride Month: "No one is proud of a group of worshippers of anal sex celebrating homosexual sex!"
  • Roger Stone appeared on Infowars to raise legal funds to fight off a lawsuit filed against him by the Democratic National Committee.
  • White nationalist group American Renaissance is celebrating after a California judge rejected Twitter’s petition to dismiss the lawsuit its founder Jared Taylor filed after his account was suspended.
  • Finally, Josh Bernstein really ought to calm down a bit.