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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: I Told You So

Bonus Tracks
  • Michele Bachmann is outraged that Rep. Rashida Tlaib addressed a protest calling for ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict, claiming it shows that "diversity of religion" is weakening this nation.
  • End Times conspiracy theorist Tom Horn has passed away.
  • Jason Rapert claims that women traveling out of state in order to obtain an abortion "is just as bad as sex trafficking."
  • Anti-vax conspiracy theorist Naomi Wolf can't believe that people who would "never discriminate against a gay couple" or "discriminate against an African American person" were willing to discriminate "against people like me" for refusing to take a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Finally, when Rep. Jim Jordan was first nominated to be Speaker of the House, MAGA pastor Shane Vaughn boldly declared that it was all part of God's plan to put former President Donald Trump in charge of the House using Jordan as his proxy. "I told you so," Vaughn crooned. "Oh, I told you so." We can't wait to hear how Vaughn explains Jordan's defeat.
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