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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Gonna Do a Miracle

Bonus Tracks
  • Rev. Pat Robertson told viewers of his "700 Club" show on CBN that a "miracle" is in the offing with the lawsuit the state of Texas is bringing before the Supreme Court, seeking to overturn the results of 2020 presidential election. In a clip featured on Newsweek's website, Robertson said, "God is never late. We declared on this program, and you joined with me, that God almighty was gonna do a miracle and stop the theft of our election and the fraud that was being perpetrated on the American people, and that God himself would intervene."
  • Writing at American Thinker, Tadas Klimas makes a novel argument against the need for evidence of fraud in the right's attempt to overturn the election results: Evidence, he says, is irrelevant. "The real question thus is legitimacy," Klimas writes. "If we cannot have confidence in an election result, it is illegitimate. See how criminality is largely irrelevant here?" Some deep American thinking right there.
  • On the website, disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn characterizes hard-right efforts to overturn the election results as "a war against the forces of Evil" that requires "the intervention of God." Flynn continues, "if the United States of America does not know how to choose between defending the Law and legitimizing a coup against its citizens, our Nation will abdicate its duties toward Americans and its international role." Flynn will be the keynote speaker at a Dec. 12 prayer rally on the National Mall sponsored by Jericho March, Stop the Steal, and Phyllis Schlafly Eagles.
  • Speaking of Flynns, the disgraced former national security adviser's brother, Joseph J. Flynn, took a shot on Twitter at right-wing writer Kimberly Strassel for referring to Joe Biden in a Wall Street Journal piece as "president-elect." He tweeted, "nice article Kim but WSJ should not be calling this election yet."
  • The Family Research Council, the self-appointed arbiter of all things Christian, is taking aim at Rev. Raphael Warnock, the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate from Georgia, who is running against Republican Kelly Loeffler in a Jan. 5 special election that will determine which party ultimately will control the Senate. In the estimation of FRC's David Closson, Warnock doesn't exactly qualify as Christian because of the progressive bent of Union Theological Seminary, at which Warnock earned two masters degrees and a doctorate. After noting that Union is located in New York City (code words for Sodom), Closson charges, "Although Union maintains that it is '[g]rounded in the Christian tradition,' the seminary abandoned any semblance of orthodoxy decades ago. In fact, the student population includes Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Unitarian Universalists and those who identify as 'pagan.'" Woooo. For the record, Warnock is senior pastor at Atlanta's Ebenezer Baptist Church, where Martin Luther King, Jr. preached.