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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Easily Triggered Right-Wing SJWs

  • The American Family Association urges its members not to buy their children’s school supplies at Target on account of Target’s trans-inclusive bathroom policy: “We must keep the pressure on Target by avoiding their stores during back-to-school shopping. Let's educate Target to the fact that their bathroom policy earns them a failing grade.”
  • Turning Point USA, which has fundraised off a freedom of speech platform, is denying seemingly every reporter who doesn’t work for a right-wing outlet press credentials at its 2018 High School Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C.
  • Breitbart News runs a story claiming that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is “to the left” of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Given that Putin is a right-wing authoritarian, we sure hope so!
  • Neo-Nazi candidate Patrick Little tells a man he’s arguing with in the streets--who calls him out for dramatizing an encounter for the camera--“This is how I make a living.”
  • Alt-right activist Jason Kessler complains that the alt-right “has been overwhelmed with easily triggered right-wing SJWs” who are mad at Kessler for banning swastika flags at next month’s Unite the Right anniversary rally.
  • Lance Wallnau is coming to the Trump hotel in Washington for a weekend of supernatural self-improvement.