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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Charity and Love

Bonus Tracks
  • Steve Strang says that while George Soros is not the Antichrist, "it's obvious he operates in the spirit of the Antichrist."
  • Jerry Boykin thanks God for President Trump: "Just as God has raised up others during crisis times, I think He’s raised up Trump for such a time as this. We don’t have to like everything that he does or says, but I think we need to recognize that he was raised up for this time. He needs all the prayer support that we can give him."
  • James Dobson, who has spent decades demonizing those who don't share his radical right-wing views, now says that conservative Christians must show charity and love to their political opponents: "May we be careful with the way we speak and think and talk against those who are opposed to everything we believe. You have to maintain a spirit of charity and love, and God will bless us if we do."
  • Mat Staver says that if Trump had been president and Mitch McConnell had been Senate Majority Leader in 1987, Robert Bork would have been confirmed to the Supreme Court ... and he intended that as a compliment.
  • Finally, Rep. Louie Gohmert says that Trump may have to impose martial law along the southern border and warns that if it'll be treason if California Gov. Jerry Brown objects.