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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Reassuring Word From Pat Robertson

Bonus Tracks
  • Pat Robertson assures us that God will not allow a nuclear war with North Korea to happen "because there are too many other important things to be done spiritually."
  • Michael Bresciani makes a bold prediction for 2018: "Many people will begin to see Donald Trump in a new light. They will slowly drop the extreme hatred and begin to realize that he has the best interests of our nation at heart."
  • Dave Daubenmire thinks that we try to expose his anti-Semitism because we are supported by the Jews.
  • Speaking of anti-Semitism, Scott Lively says that "the rise of anti-Semitism around the world is rooted in large part in the perception that Jews are behind the rising tide of moral depravity afflicting the entire planet today ... It also does not escape the attention of the world—including billions of morally conservative Moslems, Buddhists, Hindus and Christians—that Torah-faithless Jewish leaders are among the most vocal champions of the American-style sexual perversion that has overflowed into their nations with such terrible consequences."
  • Finally, Josh Bernstein says that Barack Obama is "a Jew-hating Muslim terrorist who is hellbent on destroying America and Israel."