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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 9/3/15

  • "Respected prophet" Cindy Jacobs says that "historic changes will take place in the coming days that will be a prophetic catalyst for a great awakening."
  • Laurie Higgins has some thoughts: "One’s sex cannot change, which is a fact with which even leftists agree. Bruce Jenner is not now, nor ever has been, nor ever will be a woman. He can pretend and with enough money the mask and costume he wears to the cultural masquerade may become increasingly convincing. But to aid and abet his delusional desires, he needs to eliminate all glimmers of truth."
  • Glenn Beck is, yet again, ashamed to be an American citizen.
  • FRC prays against Planned Parenthood: "May God give congressional leaders courage to stand up to the evil of Planned Parenthood. May they lead to permanently prevent Americans from being forced to fund Planned Parenthood! "
  • Finally, Bryan Fischer blasts Ben Carson for supporting civil unions: "As a medical professional who is committed to restoring human health in any way possible, he should be opposing the normalization of sodomy with every fiber of his being rather than looking for a way to accommodate it. As a medical doctor, he should no more support civil unions than he would support the normalization of IV drug abuse."