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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 9/12/14

  • Kevin Sorbo says people just were not "enlightened" enough to understand the point he was making when he said that the Jews killed Jesus.
  • FRC prays against Common Core: "May the American people be fully awakened! May parents have courage to stand fast in their God-given liberty, responsibility and authority to direct their children's education. May citizen activists persuade their state leaders to reverse course!"
  • Liberty Counsel vows to take its fight against "ex-gay" therapy bans all the way to the Supreme Court "and we will not stop fighting until these laws are relegated to the dustbins of history."
  • Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson shared his theological insights with Glenn Beck today: "The political correct cesspool we’re swimming around in [goes] against God on every point."
  • Finally, this piece by Robert Stacy McCain might just be the most bizarre screed we have ever seen posted on BarbWire. We can say for sure that it is the only thing we've ever seen posted there that uses the word "assholes" more than once.