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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 8/14/15

  • Glenn Beck has some advice for Target: "A guy is a guy and a girl is girl. And that’s all there is to it."
  • Burt Prelutsky declares that "it doesn’t say much about all those black Americans who take to the streets every time a black criminal is killed by a cop doing his job, but they never seem to notice or to give a damn that 501 black babies are aborted for every thousand who are allowed to live."
  • Steve Crampton warns about the effort to strike down Mississippi's law banning adoptions by same-sex couples: "These are desperate times; they call for desperate measures. We want to stay within the law and urge others, of course, to remain non-violent in their activism – but I think it is a time for right-thinking, God-fearing Americans to stand up and speak out against the tyranny of the judiciary."
  • Laurie Higgins tells parents that they must demand "that their young children not be exposed to any material or activities that embody Leftist assumptions about homosexuality or gender confusion."
  • Finally, it is rather alarming to learn that Mat Staver and Matt Barber apparently agree with Bryan Fischer's absurd theory about the First Amendment.