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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 8/12/14

  • Tony Perkins is furious that the National Republican Congressional Committee is supporting three gay Republican candidates.
  • Speaking of Perkins, he, Anne Graham Lotz, Richard Land, and others will be heading to Israel next week as part of a "Christians in Solidarity with Israel" trip being sponsored by the National Religious Broadcasters.
  • Allen West headlined last night's Family-PAC fundraiser (the AFA's Sandy Rios is the PAC's VP.)
  • It is nice to see other right wing "historians" mindlessly repeating David Barton's nonsense: "In fact, George Washington and Alexander Hamilton, both signers of the Constitution, pointed to Jeremiah 17:9 as an underlying principle for the separation of powers provided for in that document."
  • Do you suppose that Comcast's refusal to carry Glenn Beck's The Blaze network might have anything to do with this campaign he has started to oppose the company's merger with Time Warner?
  • Finally, James Robison has had enough! "Call me any name you wish. Put any misrepresentation or so-called 'politically correct' label on me—but I am declaring America is being encouraged to believe and embrace lies…to support them, to cast aside our founders’ principles—including God’s Word and eternal truths—and submit to the bondage of an out-of-control state. The federal government and deceived representatives are forcing legislation, policies, and practices on American citizens, demanding that our tax dollars—our money, which God has trusted to our watchcare—be used to support worthless, godless, freedom-damaging policies, programs, and laws. This nonsense—this insanity—has to stop…and stop now! Americans must come to their senses and reject this idolatry. We must refuse to bow to any false god or to trust it as our source. Not Pharaoh, not Saul, not Nebuchadnezzar, not Babylon, not Rome, not emperors, not kings, not monarchies, not Washington or Uncle Sam. Only God!"