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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 6/17/14

  • Rep. Sam Johnson of Texas says that President Obama's "egregious violations of our cherished freedom of religion reminds me of the infamous Hanoi Hilton."
  • "Mark my words": Rob Cunningham is positive that progressives will turn on President Obama and allow him to be impeached for his various crimes.
  • Gordon Klingenschmitt says that even if marijuana become legal nationwide, God opposes it and people will be held accountable for using it.
  • Apparently, the constitutional right to counsel is not something that Joseph Farah understands.
  • In August, FRC will host a discussion on "Putting the Bible and Prayer Back in the Public Schools."
  • Finally, we're not even going to bother debunking this because it is obviously absurd: "2% of all active homosexuals experience 80% of all STD's."