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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 5/8/15

  • BarbWire's Gina Miller is pessimistic: "Are we truly watching a perfect storm of tyrannical darkness conquer the United States?  Have we finally been defeated by the ever-patient, ever-evil, embedded communists, who’ve had their wicked designs on our nation for at least a hundred years?  Is our culture so rotten to the core that it can never return to virtue and right?  Are America’s younger generations lost to Godless, communist indoctrination and ideology, which includes radical environmental lunacy and the eager embrace of militant homosexualism and the destruction of marriage and family?"
  • Richard Land is torn about whether Christians should attend gay couples' weddings, but he knows that he can never vote for any candidate who supports marriage equality.
  • Unsurprisingly, Land is very excited that Mike Huckabee is running for president because "preachers do not surrender their constitutional right to run for office, and participate in public policy, when they become ordained." Um, is someone actually arguing that they do?
  • David Kupelian says that gay rights are "like Voldemort, the arch-villain so feared by everyone in the ‘Harry Potter’ stories that they ‘dare not speak his name,’ almost no one – not Democrats, not Republicans, not Libertarians, not the media, not even most churches – dares speak openly about it."
  • Finally, Bryan Fischer says that the sneering, arrogant "cultural elites" look down on the Religious Right today just like they did at Jesus.