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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 5/6/15

  • Mike Huckabee has already secured the coveted endorsement of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.
  • Randall Murphee of the American Family Association defends his organization's regular use of boycotts.
  • Joseph Farah wonders if the time has come for Christians to "recognize they have effectively failed to serve as salt and light in their culture and begin withdrawing from American 'mainstream' society for the sake of their own children and obedience to God rather than man."
  • Glenn Beck interviewed Rep. Steve King on his radio program today and King promised Beck that he could come along the next time King travels to Egypt to meet President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.
  • Finally, Dave Daubenmire is not buying all of the claims made by Religious Right leaders that they will not obey any Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage: "So now, they say it is time to disobey. WE WILL NOT OBEY! I hear them bombasting in regard to their anticipated defeat in the Supreme Court’s homo-marriage decision. Really? They are going to go to jail? James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Matt Staver, Franklin Graham, Jerry Johnson, Rick Santorum, Keith Fornier, Rick Scarborough—they’re willing to go to jail? REALLY?"