- FRC's Peter Sprigg is
doesnt-know-what-hes-rooting-for#.VWjSnEb3RDR">not happy
with U2's Bono for celebrating Ireland's vote to legalize gaymarriage.
- Speaking of FRC, the organization will be joining Sen. Mike Lee and others for a
- Another well-reasoned
- Citizenlink's Stuart Shepard
- Finally, Dana Loesch claims that
could-threaten-tax-exempt-status-for-educational-institutions">press conference next week to express their "deep concern
about the potential loss of tax-exempt status for educational institutions should the Supreme Court find constitutional legitimacy
for same-sex marriage."
limbaugh-american-lefts-target-is-christianity/">column from BarbWire's Gina Miller: "We have a man in the White House
who has done more than any past president to push the devilish radical homosexual agenda. Countless millions of dollars have
been spent on the homosexualist propaganda campaign, which has also been exported around the world from the United States.
This does not end well."
href="http://www.citizenlink.com/2015/05/29/tornado-warning-stoplight/">warns that gay marriage is like a tornado ... or
we here at Right Wing Watch are "known for just fabricating quotes, fabricating legislation, fabricating things said in