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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 3/30/16

  • Kevin Swanson's book store doesn't sell things like sell Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, or The Twilight Saga "because we don't want our kids turning into sorcerers, feminists, or vampires."
  • Phyllis Schlafly says that "murder, rape and mayhem by motor vehicle are not the only consequences of immigration from south of the border. We're also fighting diseases brought in by immigrants, including the frightening new Zika virus as well as old diseases such as tuberculosis, which we thought we had eradicated."
  • Eugene Delguadio says that opposition to discriminatory laws in states like North Carolina and Georgia is "economic terrorism."
  • Janet Porter says that the veto of such legislation by Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal amounts to the criminalization of Christianity.
  • Finally, Don Boys delares that Deal is now a "pathetic puppet of the perverts."