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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 3/28/17

Bonus Tracks
  • Mat Staver insists that there is "no proof" that he or anyone at Liberty Counsel had knowledge of the whereabouts of Lisa Miller.
  • David and Jason Benham declare that "when God is rejected, truth collapses in its wake. And truth is the bedrock upon which civil society rests. So when God goes, truth goes, then society goes.This is the inevitable reality of the post-modern, anti-God, secularist movement in America. And the collapse of truth has consequences, especially for convictional Christians who hold to biblical truth claims about human sexuality."
  • Peter LaBarbera is alarmed about the "enormous ‘gay’ insider influence" at Disney.
  • David Lane warns that the GOP establishment is doing all it can to undermine President Trump and then "will blame evangelical and pro-life Catholic Christians for staying home on November 6, 2018."
  • Finally, Carl Gallups says that "it’s obvious that the demonic realm is stirred by" President Trump: "It’s also obvious that the antichrist agenda of the globalist community is going berserk over a Trump presidency. These are simply signs to those of us who know God’s word that President Trump is being used by the Lord in these prophetic times."