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Richard Mack: 'Bloodshed' May Be Needed If 'State Sovereignty' Not Preserved

Richard Mack, the former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, who now heads the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, told Steve Deace yesterday that although he is a “pacifist,” states and counties need to enforce their “sovereignty” in areas like marriage equality and gun control, or else “we will lose liberty in America, and we will not get it back unless there’s bloodshed.”

Mack, who argues that county sheriffs are not accountable to federal authority and so should not enforce laws that they believe violate the Constitution, told Deace that America has been losing liberty for a long time, but “it took a tyrant and communist in our own White House to wake a lot of people up.”

“And I will tell you this, if we do not, if the counties and cities and states do not exercise their proper constitutional authority, known as state sovereignty and the 10th Amendment, if they do not enforce their own state sovereignty and secure their state sovereignty, then America will die,” he said. “If we do not exercise the 10th Amendment and state sovereignty, we will lose liberty in America, and we will not get it back unless there’s bloodshed.”

“I’m proud of Judge Moore and I’m proud of the state supreme court in Texas,” he said, “and Gov. Perry and other governors across this nation and sheriffs and county commissioners and city councils must do likewise or we will lose.”

Later in the interview, Deace compared the Obama administration to Nazi Germany, saying that the National Parks employees who shut down monuments during the federal government shutdown in 2013 were “not too many steps” from “other people throughout history who have said similar things and committed far greater acts of man’s inhumanity to man and said ‘I’m just following orders.’”

“It is so scary how many similarities there are between Nazi Germany and the Obama administration,” Mack agreed.

Mack also agreed with Deace that Obama is a communist, saying, “You’d have be stupid not to know that he’s a Marxist.”

“We fought two world wars to stop communism in this country,” he said. “Look at all the men and women who died and gave their lives to stop the proliferation of communism throughout the world, and now we accept it here in our country because somebody said, ‘Well, vote for me if you believe in real change and we want to fundamentally change America, so come with me as we give everybody some money.’ And everybody wanted the money and Barack Obama keeps throwing it everybody like it’s growing on trees and it’s candy.”

“And I am so ashamed of the people who take this money from him, because you have to know it’s not his money to give, it’s not his to take, and it certainly is not ours to take,” he added.