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Rep. Stockman: Texas 'Last Bastion' of Liberty, New Hampshire Run By People Who 'Hate Freedom'

If any congressman were to appear on the radio show of a conspiracy theorist who believes the government is setting up concentration camps and was behind 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing and the shootings in Aurora and Sandy Hook, it would be a safe guess that congressman would be Rep. Steve Stockman. And sure enough, on Monday Stockman stopped by Alex Jones’ InfoWars. To our disappointment, Jones was away and “health ranger” Mike Adams was filling in for him. (We’d like to ask the health reporter if he agrees with Jones that juice boxes turn kids gay but that’s another story.)

Adams threw Stockman a hardball, asking the Texas congressman whether Texas has become the “headquarters of liberty for America.” The congressman responded that this is indeed the case and that his state “is becoming the last bastion” of freedom in the country.

He added that New Hampshire was once such a state, until freedom-hating people from Massachusetts moved there and ruined it: “New Hampshire used to be that way but it seemed like everybody from Massachusetts moved there and they loved the freedom in New Hampshire and they immediately voted in people who hated freedom.”