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Rep. Randy Weber: Can't Trust Obama On Ebola Because Of Benghazi

On Wednesday, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins invited Rep. Randy Weber to “Washington Watch” to discuss “the latest on the first Ebola case being reported in his state and what precautions are being taken to make sure it is contained.”

The Texas Republican used the opportunity to launch into long rant about how President Obama isn’t serious about fighting Ebola: “I don’t want to sound alarmist and we don’t want people to get cast into a panic but this administration, as you well know, has a real serious credibility gap on a whole lot of things when it comes to taking things serious. Whether it’s ISIL or ISIS, whether it’s IRS, Benghazi, you can go right down the list and so it doesn’t foment faith in people to think that our administration’s on top of things when they’ve got such an abysmal track record.”

Weber also claimed that President Obama’s decision to send U.S. service members to West Africa to help contain the Ebola outbreak was politically motivated, a point he illustrated with a golfing joke.

“This guy has a record of doing things from a political standpoint, whether it’s putting off the amnesty order he wants to do after the election, there’s a lot of things he does from a political standpoint,” he said. “The denial, you know, whether it’s guys jumping the fence at the White House and they’re saying their agents acted with restraint, the denial that comes out of this administration, I mean nobody getting fired. I don’t know if he’s playing golf, I don’t mean to totally disrespect the president because he’s got his job to do, but I think he needs to sit up and take notice on some of these things.”

Weber said Obama must arrive at the “day when he finally wakes up and realizes he’s not the smartest man in the room on every topic of interest there is and he should listen.”