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Rep. Mo Brooks Suggests Democrats Might Start A War In 2014 To Distract Voters From Obamacare

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) appeared on "The Steve Malzberg Show" yesterday to reiterate his warning to all Americans not to use the federal government's healthcare website because of cyber-security problems and the risk of identity theft.

During the course of the discussion, Brooks was asked about the possibility of Congress reaching any sort of budget deal, to which Brooks responded by asserting that if one is not reached, it will be because the Democrats have intentionally orchestrated a government shutdown in an attempt to distract voters from "the calamity known as Obamacare" heading into the 2014 elections ... or maybe even started a war.

Brook declared that 2014 is "going to be a disaster and so the Democrats, they need a shutdown, they need something dramatic - perhaps a war - something that will deflect public attention from how bad this socialized medicine system is, this scheme that they have put forth":